Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Horrors of FYP

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,

I came to know a totally different world just as my Final Year Started. A world of responsibilities, a world of cheerful and horrifying experiences, a world full of Fun and Tension, a world Full of LIFE!

FYP - short for FINAL YEAR PROJECT is one BIG PART of this world, which leaves you stupified, horrified, terrified, petrified throughout the year, more because of the Authorities who portray it as such.

Why its a matter of death and life ( as your Degree depends on it), why the teachers become so Merciless when it comes to FYP Evaluation, why FYP has to be SO DIFFICULT and why all the problems are so affiliated to FYP - its all still MYSTERY to Me.

Stay tuned to this journey of " MY FYP " and find all the answers to the above questions, JUST AS I EXPLORE IT!! :)

Fee Amanillah.

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